Mythos Machine

Create Your Own World!

About Our Elthos RPG Covid 19 Response Like many people and companies these days we want to do whatever we can to help during the Covid-19 Crisis. What can Elthos RPG do?

ALL Mythos Machine GM Subscriptions Absolutely FREE for 1 Full Year.

We are extending the Mythos Machine Trial Period to 365 Days. To take adventage of this offer, simply create an account, if you don't already have one, and then change your Subscription to any of the GM (Basic or Premium) Plans via your Account Settings. It's that easy.

Of course, we expect life will be fully back to normal soon, but in the meantime, if you're stuck at home due to Covid-19 or Job Layoffs, don't despair. Cultivate your fabulous imagination! Create your own amazing RPG Worlds in the Mythos Machine and play them online with your friends. Enjoy! And if you find that you love the Mythos Machine during the course of the year, and wish to make a contribution, it will be gratefully accepted. Thanks, and enjoy the wonders of the Mythos Machine!

the Elthos RPG Mythos Machine

Elthos is a highly distilled and incredibly flexible Role Playing Game for Gamemasters who want to create their own Worlds of any genre or setting you can imagine. The Rules are designed for fast-action, light-weight games that minimize grunt-work and maximize creativity.

Mythos Machine is the Web Application created to support Elthos RPG with a comprehensive set of Game Prep services that are fully and seamlessly integrated with the Elthos Rules framework. Mythos Machine is designed to help you create your own Worlds using your own fantastic imagination. It handles the number crunching, helps you structure your World's places, campaigns and adventures, and acts as your record keeping butler. In addition, your players can use the Mythos Machine to easily generate and maintain their Characters in your Worlds, adding ongoing histories of their Adventures, keeping notes on whatever they wish for future reference, as well as selecting their character's equipment, skills, and powers, among many other things.

The Elthos Rules and the Mythos Machine combine to provide Gamemasters an elegant, well structured environment for creating Worlds and recording game stories. Save time. Focus on the creative aspects of your game. Keep a searchable record of all characters, places, campaigns and adventures in your worlds. Elthos RPG Mythos Machine is a wondrous game prep tool for World-Creating Gamemasters. I hope you will enjoy using it as much as I do!


The Elthos RPG is a light-weight Role Playing Game system for fast and exciting game play. The Mythos Machine is a ‘Next Gen’ Web Application that fully integrates the Elthos RPG Rules. With the Mythos Machine building your own Worlds, and your Game Prep, are vastly simplified. The combination makes the life of the RPG enthusiast smoother, easier and more elegant.


The Elthos RPG and the Mythos Machine gives Gamemasters the freedom to create any kind of World, and populate it with whatever ingenious Races, Cultures, Equipment, Places, Campaigns and Adventures you can imagine. It does the grunt work, and leaves the creativity safely in your own hands, where it belongs! With it you can add your fabulous ideas to your World from anywhere you happen to be.


The Elthos System is highly customizable, allowing you to configure your Worlds any way you want, creating your own internal rules for weapons, armors, skills, powers and much more. You can customize the mechanics of your Worlds in dozens of ways, enabling you to obtain the play style you prefer. You can create anything, and shape your World’s internal rules so that they work any way you want them to.

Greetings Elthosians!

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We will be back up and running soon!
Like many people and companies these days we want to do whatever we can to help during the Covid-19 Crisis. What can Elthos RPG do?

ALL Mythos Machine GM Subscriptions Absolutely FREE for 1 Full Year.

To do this in the simplest way possible we are extending our Trial Period to 365 days. To take adventage of this offer, create an account, or if you already have one, simply change your Subscription to any of the GM (Basic or Premium) Plans via your Account Settings. It's that easy.

Of course, we expect life will be fully back to normal soon, but in the meantime, if you're stuck at home due to Covid-19 or Job Layoffs, don't despair. Cultivate your fabulous imagination. Create your own fabulous RPG Worlds in the Mythos Machine and play them online with your friends. Enjoy! And if you find that you love the Mythos Machine during the course of the year, and wish to make a contribution, it will be gratefully accepted. Thanks, and enjoy the wonders of the Mythos Machine!

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