Mythos Machine Features & Pricing
GM Basic GM Premium
$3 / Month
$6 / Month
$32.40 / Year
10% discount!
$61.20 / Year
15% discount!

Free 1 Month Trial Period!

Subscription Plans
Features Players
Subscription Plans
Generate AI Images (New!)
Generate Images
Gamemasters and Players can generate AI Images directly in Mythos Machine for characters and places, the cost of which comes from your subscription fee. If that's not enough horse power for you, then no worries - you can add your own API Key from and generate as many images as you please.
Generate Characters in GM Worlds
Generate Charcters in GMs Worlds
Players can log on to the Mythos Machine, find the GM whose world they want to play in, and after a handshake agreement via email generate their Characters in the GM's world. The Player can select their Race and Class, and equip their character with skills, powers, and equipment, weopons and armors, all according to how the GM fashioned the world. Mythos Machine does all the number crunching for you. Fast, easy, and the characters are always accessable online, or can be easily printed out to the player's screen, and/or PDF via the browser. Players can also keep track of their Character's history, personality, goals, traits and other details so that the character can develop and evolve over time. Wonderful.
Purchase Marketplace Worlds
Worlds Marketplace
The Worlds Marketplace is where your fellow GMs (and you, if you wish) can host their own Worlds for sale at a price they set. Each World will be unique according to their configuration, and limited only by their imaginations. You can purchase as many worlds as you wish, and play them with your friends. However, you will not be able to modify the Elements (weapons, armor, equipment, powers, etc.) of Marketplace Worlds, but will play them As-is according to the author's design. That said, you will be able to create Characters, and add as much as you like to the history and events of that world, making it your own as you play it.
Gamemaster Toolbox
Gamemaster Toolbox Features
Manage Characters, Adventure Groups, Adventure Records and Structure, and Run World Reports. The Gamemaster Toolbox provides the number crunching engine and records keeping aspect of the system, making your job as Gamemaster that much easier.
World Weaver Studio
Mythos Machine GM World Building Features
Provides a coherent and expandable structure for you to create your World within, of whatever depth, complexity or genre you choose. Create new Places, Campaigns, Adventures, Events and Experience Gains, allowing you to easily record what happens in your world during Adventures, and auto-calculate Experience Gains and Leveling for the Characters. All of this is stored online for ease of access, and Mythos Machine provides you with handy printouts of your World, including the images and maps you upload.
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Trading Post
The World Elements Trading Post
Collaborate on World Building with other GMs! The Mythos Machine allows you to easily and efficiently share elements of your world with other Gamemasters on the system. Have a unique and awesome idea for a Weapon you think other GMs might appreciate seeing? Make it public and it will be available to other Gamemasters to copy into their Worlds. Have a great idea for a Mountainous Village where the an ancient brood of vampires dwell? You can share it. Or you can browse other Gamemaster's shared items and freely import their shared things into your World! It's a share and share alike system for everything that people want to make Public in the system, though if you want to keep your Elements private, you can do that, too. The Mutual Collaboration Society is here to help all GMs help each other build amazing Worlds.
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Premium Features
Publish Worlds on the Worlds Marketplace
Sell Your Own Worlds!
Worlds Marketplace Authorship
As a World Weaver on Mythos Machine, you can create RPG worlds of any genre imaginable. Populate them with your own unique elements, histories, NPCs, campaigns, and adventures, all forged using the Elthos RPG Framework with your world's internal rules and lore.

Sell Your Worlds Directly Through Our Marketplace
As a Premium Gamemaster, you can create Packaged Worlds and set your own price (minimum $3). Other GMs can purchase copies for their campaigns but cannot modify your content or sell your work as their own. You retain full copyright ownership of your creations. With Mythos Machine's internal Worlds Marketplace, you can build an audience of GMs and players for your unique worlds.

Mythos Machine: A New Platform for Worldbuilding Creativity
Our tools empower you to craft immersive settings and share your visions with a community of fans. As both a creator and a consumer, Mythos Machine offers world weavers new ways to engage players and earn from their work.
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Create Multiple Worlds!
Create Multiple Worlds
Create up to 360 Worlds using the Mythos Machine!

As a Premium GM you can create as many Worlds as you wish, and build each of your World's with unique Places, Campaigns, Adventures, Races, Classes, Skills, Powers, and Dice Configurations, all within the Mythos Machine's elegant structure. It's a great organizational tool that saves you time and effort.
  • Premium GM Subscription
    For those whose minds are brimming with lots of ideas for many Worlds - This Option is for you! Premium GM Subscription lets you create as many Worlds as you wish!
  • Basic GM Subscription Lets you create 3 Worlds without limits. It can be as complex or simple as you want. You are only limited by your imagination.
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Build Shared Worlds!
Create Shared Worlds
Collaborate with other GMs on a Shared World using the Mythos Machine!

Premium Gamemasters can create a World and then share out parts of it to other Gamemasters to build their own areas within. Have a truly collaborative world were all the GMs share the same configuration, including Races, Classes, Armors, Weapons and so on. It's a fabulous opportunity to have an organized way to collaborate with other Gamemasters on the system, and build a shared experience for your Players!
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Premium GM Features
Create Multiple Worlds
Create up to 360 Worlds using the Mythos Machine!

As a Premium GM you can create as many Worlds as you wish, and build each of your World's with unique Places, Campaigns, Adventures, Races, Classes, Skills, Powers, and Dice Configurations, all within the Mythos Machine's elegant structure. It's a great organizational tool that saves you time and effort.
  • Premium GM Subscription For those whose minds are brimming with lots of ideas for many Worlds - This Option is for you! Premium GM Subscription lets you create as many Worlds as you wish!
  • Basic GM Subscription Lets you create 3 Worlds without limits. It can be as complex or simple as you want. You are only limited by your imagination.
Create Shared Worlds
Collaborate with other GMs on a Shared World using the Mythos Machine!

Premium Gamemasters can create a World and then share out parts of it to other Gamemasters to build their own areas within. Have a truly collaborative world were all the GMs share the same configuration, including Races, Classes, Armors, Weapons and so on. It's a fabulous opportunity to have an organized way to collaborate with other Gamemasters on the system, and build a shared experience for your Players!
Sell Your Own 'Packaged' Worlds on the Mythos Machine!
Introducing Worlds Marketplace Authorship
  • Are you a World Weaver (Mythopoeia) who enjoys creating your own Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Wild West, Space Opera, Horror, Mystery (or whatever you can imagine?!) Worlds?
  • Do you want to turn those Worlds into an awesome RPG experience for other GMs to play with their own Players?
  • Do you want to avoid having to reinvent the entire RPG Rules Wheel by avoiding having to create yet another Rules System from scratch?
  • But you also want to be able to flavor your World with custom Rules of your own design that enhance the play experience the way you want it?
  • Do you want to avoid all the hassles of setting up an infrastructure to sell your RPG Worlds at a Price that you yourself set?
The Elthos RPG Mythos Machine is definitely here to help with that.

The Worlds Marketplace Authorship role allows Premium Gamemasters to create 'Packaged' Worlds, set a price to them (any price over $3) and then offer them for Sale to other Gamemasters on the System. The Packaged Worlds retain the Author's copyright ownership and can not be reshared publicly by other members of the Mythos Machine. The GMs who buy them get a copy, and then can play that World any way they want, but they can not add new Elements to it. It will come with whatever Weapons, Armors, Races, Classes, Cultures, Places, Campaigns and Adventures you build into it. And you can charge whatever you think it's worth based on the complexity and amount of work you put into it.

As such, think of the Mythos Machine as a new Printing Press for RPG Worlds. Create your own Worlds, and then offer them with your adoring fans!

This feature is kind of crazy-hard to implement, so it will be coming pretty soon! Stay tuned!

Basic GM Features
Create Your Own Worlds
Allows Gamemasters to create their own Worlds. Create and manage your own races, character classes, weapons, armor, equipment, spells and miracles that match the vision you have of your World. Your world is truly in your own hands!
Generate Characters in Worlds using the Mythos Machine
Save time and energy creating Characters using the Mythos Machine's automated Character Generation methods. As Gamemaster you can choose how you want Characters to be Generated in your World. Random Rolling, Allocation or a hybrid of both. You configure the settings to suit your preferences. Your players can log onto the Mythos Machine and generate as many characters as you allow for each of your Worlds. Every World can have completely different configurations, so you can experiment as much as you wish to find the best configuration for you and your players.

The Gamemaster can use the Elthos Web Application to Create and Edit Characters in accordance with the Elthos ODS rules. With the Web Application you can:
  • Description You can add descriptions of personality, looks, social class, and select the character's religious and cultural outlook.
  • Select Race Characters can be of any available Race, each of which also has Requisite limitations. So Dwarves require A high Strength.
  • Select Guild Classes Standard Aventure Guild Classes can be assigned to each Character in accordance with their Requisites. Each class has Requisite requirements associated to the Class. So, Theives must have a high Dexterity. Warriors must have a high Strength. Clerics and Warlocks must have high Wisdom (or intellect).
  • Select Skills & Powers Skills and Mystic Powers are available to Characters of the Freeman, SpellChanter or Clerical Classes.
  • Select Equipment, Weapons, Armor Characters can be equiped based on how much Money they've got.
The Gamemaster can also manage Adventure Groups in their Worlds by adding or removing Characters, as well as Auto-Generate random NPC Character groups.
The ODS Rules Book
The Mythos Machine is based on the Elthos RPG rules, as defined in the RPG Core Rules Book. The Rules Book is available on DriveThruRPG and through the Book Shop. There are period sales, so stay tuned.
Mythos Machine GM World Building Features
Provides a coherent and expandable structure for you to create your World within of whatever depth, complexity or genre you choose. Create new Places, Campaigns, and Adventures, and record what your Player Characters during their Adventures. Store them online and get handy printouts, including the images and maps you upload.
Mythos Machine GM Toolbox Features
Provides the number crunching and records keeping aspect of the system. Why lose track of who won what experience for what when, and where those magic rings disappeared to... the GM's Toolbox is designed to help you manage all of that information for your world.
Auto-Generate Adventure Groups
Among the many time saving features of the Mythos Machine is the ability to create Races, Classes, and Race-Class specific Armors, Weapons, Spells, and Powers, and then Auto-Generate entire Groups of NPCs according to the defaults you've defined for them. So in 30 seconds you can have a group of 20 NPCs completely outfitted as you your configuration demands.
Record Adventure Events & History
Players can record their own Character's history in their Player Details, as well as their Character's Description, Personality, Goals, and Secrets. It's a great way for Players to fill in the details and never forget what happened to that Ring of Invisibility again.

However, for GM's the feature gets much better than that. GMs can add the history of the Characters as the story progresses, record every significant action in the game, and in the process calculate Experience Gains and keep track of Alignment changes over the course of the Characters careers. The true power of this utility doesn't show up for some time, but later, when you really have forgotten what happened to that Vorple Sword of the Witch Lord, the search features within the Mythos Machine kick into high gear and save the day for your game. It's truly fantastic.
Run Gamemaster Reports
Players can run a few reports, and the best of them is the one where they can see what you've granted them permission to see about your World's places, histories, campaigns and adventures.

There are a much greater diversity of reports available to Gamemasters. Here's a list of some of the GM Reports...
  • General Resolution Matrix The chart that does it all... Resolve how successful any character's efforts are using any skill or power with the GRM.
  • Combat Matrixes for competing Adventure Groups See at a glance which Adventure Groups outclass their opponents in color coded glory for both Physical and Mystical combat.
  • Character Statistics Quickly and easily get a bird's eye view of any Adventure Group in your World with this handy report.
  • World Print Print your World in convenient packages for taking to the game. The prints are "Game Packs" which contain your World's Places, Adventures, Characters, NPCs and Monsters. "Game Packs" can include as much or as little detail as you decide with simple checkbox selection options. Bring printed your "Game Pack" to the table, or you can access it online during the game for even more functionality and convenience. You can provide "Game Packs" for your Players so that they only have access to the information appropriate for their Characters.

    The report optionally allows you to include:

    • Show Campaigns
    • Show Adventure Groups
    • Show Images
    • Show Adventures
    • Show Character Basic Data
    • Show GM Notes
    • Show Events
    • Show Combat Matrixes
    • Generate Random Encounters
Access to the World Elements Trading Post
Collaborate on World Building with other GMs! The Mythos Machine allows you to easily and efficiently share elements of your world with other Gamemasters on the system. Have a unique and awesome idea for a Weapon you think other GMs might appreciate seeing? Make it public and it will be available to other Gamemasters to copy into their Worlds. Have a great idea for a Mountainous Village where the an ancient brood of vampires dwell? You can share it. Or you can browse other Gamemaster's shared items and freely import their shared things into your World! It's a share and share alike system for everything that people want to make Public in the system, though if you want to keep your Elements private, you can do that, too. The Mutual Collaboration Society is here to help all GMs help each other build amazing Worlds.

Free Marketplace GM Features
You can purchase as many Worlds as you wish from the World's Marketplace!
The "Marketplace GM" option is perfect for GMs who want to try out Elthos RPG the wonderful and fascinating adventure Worlds their fellow GMs create to see how the system works and just jump right in with their RPG friends.

The Worlds Marketplace is where your fellow GMs (and you, if you wish) can host their own Worlds for sale at a price they set. Each World will be unique according to their configuration, and limited only by their imaginations. You can purchase as many worlds as you wish, and play them with your friends. However, you will not be able to modify the Elements (weapons, armor, equipment, powers, etc.) of Marketplace Worlds, but will play them As-is according to the author's design. That said, you will be able to create Characters, and add as much as you like to the history and events of that world, making it your own as you play it.

Remember, by purchasing a paid subscription plan and making Contributions, you are helping The Elthos Project steer clear of ...
*ahem* ...
Imperial Entanglements

On behalf of the GM Rebel Alliance ... Thank You!

Mark Abrams - Elthos Project Developer & Designer
"Thank you for supporting future development of Elthos RPG and the Mythos Machine! My goal is to continuously enhance and extend the project with your generous feedback and support. Thanks again!"

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